Beneficiary Assistance

The aftermath of a loved one’s death can be a painful and confusing time, and the complex financial issues often associated with someone’s passing can make the experience only more difficult. We serve as a steady, reliable guide for beneficiaries facing these challenges, bringing clarity to the process and ensuring nothing is overlooked.
Our team has extensive experience working with beneficiaries to manage retirement benefits and investments and to help them develop a plan for managing those assets into the future. We offer a turnkey system, making the process as simple as possible, and we do this for our clients without extra costs or fees.
We provide peace of mind by helping you answer the many financial questions that follow a loved one’s death.
Mary Beth Alber, Administrator
Our work with beneficiaries includes assisting with:
- The collection and organization of key documents and statements
- Developing a clear accounting of your loved one’s assets
- Death benefit claim forms
- Social Security benefits
- Life insurance policies
- Health insurance policies
- Contacting benefits departments
- Employer retirement plans, including questions involving survivors’ benefits and IRA and pension plan election decisions
- Re-establishing beneficiary designations
- Recalculating income based on new filing status
- Transfers of investment accounts
- Developing a financial plan for assets related to the loved one’s estate
- Estate plan administration
Does my portfolio carry too much risk?
Our investment approach seeks sustainable growth while limiting our clients’ exposure to risk. Get a free assessment of your portfolio’s risk and learn whether it aligns with your financial goals.